What is malunion?

Malunion is a condition in which a fracture is healed but not in the ideal position. This can happen due to varied reasons where the broken bones might be misaligned or shorter than usual as well as it could be twisted hence resulting in malunion giving rise to deformity. There are certain symptoms to understand it a fracture malunion has occurred, such as swelling or stiffness, limited functionality of the limb and bone deformity. Malunions are not restricted to fractures of the leg, they can occur in almost any fractured bone.

What happens if a malunion is left untreated ?

It can give rise to instability, deformity, further degeneration, arthritis and also significant loss of functionality.

Extreme precision and care is needed to handle fracture malunion cases, as the healed part needs to be set apart again in order to align the bones properly. Screws, plates, rods or other such fixation devices might be required to help set the bone back to the original method. Dr Prashanth Chalasani ensures that right post operative care and rehabilitation is given to the patient even after the corrective surgery is performed

Malunion treatment in Guntur

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